I’m beginning to think there is some kind of jinx on Stiltsville because every time I try to make it out there something goes wrong.
Both my partner and I came down with nasty colds this week forcing us to cancel going with the Meetup group that was kayaking out to Stiltsville.
I don’t feel all that bad about missing it though since the weather conditions turned so nasty that some had to turn back. Actually I’ve yet to see any pics from Sunday’s paddle so I’m not sure if anyone made it out to Stiltsville.
We are mostly over our colds and dying to go kayaking so planning on going for an evening/night paddle with the South Florida Kayaking Meetup which goes for an urban waterways paddle ever Wednesday from the park up the street from our home.
I’m very determined to make it out to Stiltsville this year so will be watching the weather very closely hoping for calm seas on a day that we both have off from work.
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